A team of Deptherapy divers spent two weeks on the Caribbean island of Grenada in October to conduct a two-week marine biology course and while there they were featured on NOW Grenada.
The expedition, funded by the Positive Pathways Programme from the Armed Forces’ Covenant Fund Trust (AFCFT), was due to take place in Egypt, but when there was continued uncertainty about the country being open from travel restrictions, the decision was made to look elsewhere – and Grenada fit the bill.
The Deptherapy members also took part in various RAID courses throughout the fortnight trip, as well as conducting a reef survey in the nutrient-rich waters of Grenada.
They stayed at the True Blue Bay Resort and dived with Aquanauts Grenada, who have two instructors on staff who have many years of experience working with divers with disabilities.
A full article on the expedition will appear in Issue 56 of Scuba Diver.