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Airborne Pathogen Workplace Training course


First Response Training International - Airborne Pathogen Workplace Training course

The COVID-19 pandemic has halted operations for many businesses, large and small, across the world. It has raised questions about cleanliness and sanitation in all industries.

With local authorities and officials starting to allow businesses to resume operations, it begs the question, how do we move forward? More importantly, how do we do so while minimizing risks for workers and the general public alike?

To address these concerns, First Response Training International has created the Airborne Pathogen Workplace Training course, an eLearning programme designed to teach businesses everything they need to know to maintain a safe work environment amidst a viral outbreak.

Best of all, this course is being offered at no cost for the foreseeable future!

This course will benefit all in the workplace:

  1. Get back to business
  2. Improve workplace safety by ensuring both employers and employees are using the correct techniques and equipment to prevent the spread of airborne pathogens
  3. Certification lets customers know they can count on your business to follow the proper procedures
  4. Protect yourself and your business from liability by proving you are taking necessary precautions
  5. Keep business running smoothly by limiting the number of sick staff members at any given time

Upon completion of the course, learners will be able to download and print a certificate of completion to authenticate their knowledge of preventing the transmission of diseases like COVID-19, the flu, and others.

More information about this programme can be found at First Response Website

Use the code STAYSAFE2020 to access the course, free of charge.

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Mark Evans
Scuba Diver's Editorial Director Mark Evans has been in the diving industry for nearly 25 years, and has been diving since he was just 12 years old. nearly 40-odd years later and he is still addicted to the underwater world.
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