Family diving specialists Kids Sea Camp hits its 20th anniversary milestone this year, but sadly, due to the massive disruption caused globally by the COVID-19 pandemic, it has not been the celebratory year founder Margo Peyton was hoping for.
However, the always upbeat and enthusiastic Margo – along with her husband Tom and the rest of the KSC team – has refused to give up.
She said: “I want to thank my entire team for being so wonderful, kind, generous, and caring while working through this difficult time for all. The loss of seeing each other and not being able to go diving has been disappointing to all.
“As we all love adventure and diving and most of all we love being together learning about the underwater world. This has not been the 20th anniversary year Kids Sea Camp had hoped for. But we are looking forward to being together again soon.
“A huge thank you to the awesome resorts we work with whom have been extremely generous, accommodating, and easy to reach and reschedule with.”
Update on KSC 2020 trips
Kids Sea Camp has rescheduled Palau’s July trip with Sam’s Tours 2020 to 2021, as all flights were canceled and Palau borders closed. All families have rebooked and are looking forward to next year. Thank you, Marc Bauman and Sam’s Tours for making this so easy and smooth, and accommodating KSC and all our guests.
Roatan – All spring and summer trips with Mayan Princess and Turquoise Bay were rescheduled to 2021. The borders are closed and flights canceled. We have accommodated all families with future trips. Thank you. Antonio Moncada for making this so easy and smooth.
Bonaire with Buddy Dive – Both spring and summer weeks have been rescheduled to 2021 as the tourism announced that borders will be open, but not to the US at this time. UA has canceled flights so far. All families are being accommodated and we thank you again so much for keeping your chins up and booking future trips. Thank you Buddy Dive for making this so easy and smooth.
Indonesia with Arenui – June and July trips have been rescheduled to 2021, 2022 and 2023. All flights have been canceled and borders are not expected to be open until the end of July. All families have happily been rescheduled to future charters. Thank you Arenui for making this all so easy and smooth.
Philippines – Three weeks with Sea Explorers in Cabilao, Dauin, and Amun ini. Borders are still closed to the US and there is a five-night quarantine mandate in place upon arrival. We have rescheduled this trip also to 2021. Thank you, Bigs Eggert and Chris Heim for making this all so easy and smooth, and for giving us three years of dates to choose. We can’t wait to come back!
Turks & Caicos with Explorer Ventures – Rescheduled to next year. All guests happy and accommodated.
Margo added: “Again I want to say thank you to all our operators, they are the best in the world to work with. Thank you to our clients for showing so much love! We are a very lucky company to have so many friendships within our business. We will all get through this together. Hugs from all of us at Kids Sea Camp.
“We will keep you posted on St Lucia, Belize and Fiji. Please take a look at our 2021 schedule as it’s almost full, and if you’re hoping to travel next summer and have not booked, I would not waste time. The whole world is rescheduling, so spaces will be very limited.”