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Great Shark Snapshot 3 set for July


The Great Shark Snapshot (The Shark Trust)

The last week of July (20-28) sees the return of UK conservation charity the Shark Trust’s citizen-science initiative the Great Shark Snapshot, which invites divers and snorkellers to record all the sharks and rays they see, wherever they happen to be around the world.  

Divers, their clubs, dive-centres and charter-boat and liveaboard operators are all encouraged to show their support by organising dives and events through the week. “As well as gathering vital data, the event will provide a chance to celebrate the incredible shark and ray species that live in our ocean,” says the trust.

The Great Shark Snapshot (The Shark Trust)

Information about the species and numbers of sharks and rays seen by participants during the week will be added to the Shark Trust’s Shark Log. This global shark census will, over time, allow shark scientists to build a picture of species distribution and any changes that occur.

“It is great to see this popular citizen science event back for its third year,” says Shark Trust marketing manager Caroline Robertson-Brown. “Whether you are diving your local dive-site, or on a trip of a lifetime, we want divers to join in on the Great Shark Snapshot in July. 

“I cannot wait to hear from the divers and dive organisations about the species of sharks and rays that they see, and where in the world they see them.”

The inclusion of photographs or video footage of the sightings is seen as very helpful where it’s possible. Sightings can either be recorded on the Shark Trust Shark Log recordings website or by using the Shark Trust appfind out more about the week.

Also read: Shark Trust asks divers for assistance during Citizen Science Month, Shark Trust calls for global shark citizen scientists, Steve Backshall headlines For the Love of Sharks event

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