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Dive into a Winter Warmer with Ghost Fishing UK


Ghost Fishing UK

Ocean conservation charity Ghost Fishing UK are running their annual Winter Warmer event at the National Diving and Activity Centre (NDAC) near Chepstow over the weekend of 15-16 January 2022.
The event will run from Saturday morning through to Sunday afternoon and as well as being a fundraiser for the charity, is also an important opportunity for divers in the UK to meet the team, dive with the charity’s instructors – who are all seasoned Ghost Fishing divers – and have a ‘taster’ of what diving with the organisation is all about.
Divers may sign up for one of the three underwater sessions on offer over the weekend. Places must be pre-booked and are strictly limited, on a first-come, first-served basis. Experience, qualifications and equipment limitations apply.
Saturday evening, the charity is hosting a social event with bar, BBQ, raffle, auction, guest speakers and music.
Charity Trustee Christine Grosart said: “This event is always a lot of fun and a great way for divers and the public to become involved in the charity. It takes a lot of work for our volunteers to organise and while last year’s online event was well attended, nothing compares to a proper in-person social event that NDAC kindly host for us.”
All proceeds from the event go straight into recovering lost fishing gear from the ocean, and NDAC have yet again sponsored the charity by offering their excellent venue.
To book a taster workshop (one per diver) with Ghost Fishing UK, which is £25 and includes evening social ticket, please head to the website.

Go to Workshops + Evening Social, select your time slot (first-come, first-served) and ensure you read the fine print before you sign up!

To attend just the evening social only, grab your £25 ticket via Evening Social Only.

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Picture of Mark Evans
Mark Evans
Scuba Diver's Editorial Director Mark Evans has been in the diving industry for nearly 25 years, and has been diving since he was just 12 years old. nearly 40-odd years later and he is still addicted to the underwater world.
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